PlayStation 3 CFW and HEN Installation Web Self-Service

Verify your system's Minimum Firmware Version.

CFW (Custom FirmWare) is compatible with A-Q, 2000, 2100, and early 2500 systems.
CECH-2500 systems will need to verify if the minimum firmware version is <=3.55.

To verify the minimum firmware version your system supports:
1) Download the Minimum Version Checker update PUP from MinVerChk on PSX Place or a direct download from here.
2) Place the min version checker update on your USB stick as /PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP.
3) System Update, Update from Storage Media.
The Update will fail and report back the board's minimum version that can be installed.
This number is different from your current firmware version.

If your system reports a Minimum Firmware Version of:

3.55 or lower


3.60 or higher

Your system is compatible with Custom Firmware. Proceed to CFW page to continue. If your system reports 3.56 Please contact us for assistance. 3.56 is wacky and is compatible but isn't compatible. Your system is NOT CFW compatible; You must use HEN.
HEN is a limited form of CFW made for non-CFW compatibles.
Proceed to HEN page to continue.