PlayStation Vita Web Self-Service Utilities

Start our instance of HENlo using your Vita's web browser to download the required jailbreaks to your Vita.
Start HENlo

For 3.60 users: If you are missing VitaShell and still have MolecularShell available:
You can download VitaShell .vpk via the web browser. Due to web browser limitations it is downloaded as a "movie" .mp4 file.
  1. In the Vita's web browser, Download this VitaShell renamed to a .mp4 file extension. Download VitaShell.mp4
  2. In MolecularShell, rename the downloaded VitaShell "Video" file (located in ux0:/video/xx/) to a file extension of .vpk
  3. Install VitaShell.vpk